While massage therapy offers numerous benefits, there are certain situations where it’s best to avoid or postpone your session. Knowing when to skip a massage is just as important as knowing when to book one. Here are some instances when you should reconsider getting a massage:

1. If You Have a Fever or Are Feeling Unwell

If you’re battling an illness, such as the flu or a cold, it’s better to rest and recover before scheduling a massage. Receiving a massage when your immune system is compromised can worsen your symptoms or spread the illness.

2. After a Recent Surgery or Injury

If you’ve recently undergone surgery or sustained a serious injury, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider before getting a massage. Some techniques may aggravate your condition or interfere with healing.

3. When You Have Skin Issues

Conditions like open wounds, severe bruising, burns, or contagious skin infections make massage therapy inadvisable. It’s best to wait until your skin has fully healed to avoid irritation or complications.

4. During Certain Pregnancy Complications

While prenatal massages are generally safe and beneficial, women experiencing high-risk pregnancy conditions, such as preeclampsia or preterm labor risks, should consult their doctor before getting a massage.

5. If You Have Blood Clotting Issues

People with conditions like deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or those taking blood thinners should avoid massage in areas prone to clotting, as it could potentially dislodge a clot.

6. During Severe Pain or Medical Emergencies

If you’re experiencing unexplained or severe pain, a massage may not be the right solution. Always seek medical advice first to rule out any serious underlying conditions.

When in Doubt, Ask a Professional

At Oasis, your safety and well-being are our top priorities. If you’re unsure whether a massage is suitable for you, feel free to reach out to us or consult with your healthcare provider. We’re here to guide you toward the best decision for your health.